谷每周 - 2021年12月13日- 2022年1月2日




2021年秋季期末考试 is being held from December 13-19, 2021. Students should check their course syllabus for the specific date and time for the final examination.

需要帮助? 让我们的欢迎中心为您服务

LAVC欢迎中心 is ready to help you with class registration, answers to general questions, and much more! Get help in-person, online through Cranium Cafe, or by phone or email on Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. 周五早上8点开始.m.-1 p.m.


Don't miss your chance to get ahead or prepare to transfer with a 5-week class this Winter. 2022年1月4日开学. We've added a bunch of new online class sections. 检查我们的 2022年冬季课程时间表 在…找到空位:

  • UC/CSU可转通识教育课程
  • 职业技术教育
  • 无学分
  • 有低价或免费课本的课程

现在使用 mycollege.laccd.edu学生门户网站. If you have questions or need assistance, please 皇冠官网网站的欢迎中心.



获得学位, 转学到大学, or start a new career with Spring classes starting on February 7, 2022. 检查 mycollege.laccd.edu学生门户网站 您的春季注册日期.

Choose from classes offered online, in-person or hybrid. 检查我们的 2022年春季课程时间表 按“类别查询类型”选择:

  • 在线同步: Interacting online with instructor at set times
  • 在线异步: 完全在线,独立工作
  • 现场: Face-to-face on-campus class with an instructor
  • 混合: Face-to-face on-campus class with an online component

If you need registration assistance or help enrolling because of the COVID-19疫苗接种 Requirement, 皇冠官网网站的欢迎中心.

学生COVID-19检测预约 & 员工

12月13日星期一上午11点开始.m.-7 p.m. &
12月14日星期二上午10点开始.m.-6:30 p.m.
工程100 (查看地图)

Biocept is offering baseline and weekly COVID-19 testing at 皇冠官网网站 for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays and Tuesdays 工程学100. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link that was send to your 学生的电子邮件. 有关其他测试地点/日期,请查看 全区COVID检测时间表. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 LACCD疫苗接种 & 测试需求.

的atre Open Auditions: 的 Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck

12月15日星期三下午3点至6点.m., &

召集所有演员,歌手和舞者! Open auditions for the LAVC 的ater and Dance Department's production of 的 Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck. Please prepared to present any or all of the following:

  • 表演的角色 auditions, prepare a 2-3 minute monologue from any play.
  • 歌唱角色试镜, 准备任意歌曲的16小节, preferably a contemporary pop or rock song (but anything will be fine!) You may bring a track as your accompaniment, you may accompany yourself, or you may sing acapella.
  • 舞蹈角色试镜, prepare a short (1 minute) dance to a song of your choosing. Please bring the track which accompanies your dance.

更多海选信息,请访问 戏剧艺术系试镜信息 页面或 给克里斯·柯丁顿发邮件.

COVID-19疫苗接种 & 升压诊所

12月18日星期六上午8点开始.m.-4 p.m.,
12月22日星期三上午10:30开始.m.-6:30 p.m., &
12月29日,周三,上午10:30.m.-6:30 p.m.
停车场A (查看地图)

Get your $150 书店 Gift Card with your vaccine dose! 停止了 校园疫苗接种 & 12月18日,22日和29日的助推器诊所 在A停车场. No appointment needed; all three vaccines and booster options are available. LAVC students and employees who get their vaccine dose or a booster on campus will receive a $150 gift card to the LAVC 书店.


All LAVC students are eligible to get a free Metro GoPass to ride all buses and trains operated by Metro—for a year at no charge! 停止了 the LAVC 业务办公室 with your ID to pick up your pass.

的 Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) awarded Giovanni Divaia, 工商管理专业的学生, 瑞奇M. Gelb Scholarship at its 72nd Annual Meeting on December 10, 2021. As the only community college student to receive a scholarship, Giovanni was acknowledged for being president of the business club, 亚利桑那州立大学学生司库, 在aft1521实习.

Daily 新闻 columnist and LAVC alumnus Dennis McCarthy reminisced about his time at Valley College, and the how community colleges offer a solid beginning for higher education. Read the Daily 新闻' "皇冠官网网站: It worked for this columnist in the ’60s — and it still works" article.

Arellano卡, a doctoral student in public health at UC Merced, 学分LAVC生物讲师, 贝基·格林-马罗昆和帕梅拉·伯德-威廉姆斯, with encour年龄d her to do some volunteer work in the department and steered her to a summer research internship. Those activities ignited her interest in research. 与团契一起阅读, Grad Students Pay It Forward at Community College Level article by UC Merced 新闻.

即将到来的学习日期 & 最后期限


春季2022 -开放招生开始

秋季2021 -学期结束

不上课- 2021年寒假

校园关闭- 2021年寒假
12月24日星期五- 12月27日星期一

校园关闭- 2021年寒假

冬季2022 -白天和晚上的课程开始

春季2022 -白天和晚上的课程开始



Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) is closed on Saturday-Monday, January 1-3 in observance of the New Year's Day holiday. Campus offices and services will reopen, and classes will start on 1月4日星期二.


Los Angeles Valley College begins day and evening classes for Winter Session 2022. 如需在线注册,请访问 myCollege.laccd.edu学生门户网站.

1月4日星期二上午10点开始.m.-6:30 p.m. 工程学100;
1月10日星期一上午11点开始.m.-7 p.m. 工程学100 &
1月11日星期二上午10点开始.m.-6:30 p.m. 工程学100

Biocept is offering COVID-19 testing at 皇冠官网网站 for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays and Tuesdays 工程学100. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link that was send to your 学生的电子邮件. 有关其他测试地点/日期,请查看 全区COVID检测时间表. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 LACCD疫苗接种 & 测试需求.

1月5日星期三上午10:30.m.-6:30 p.m. 在停车场A
1月12日,周三,上午10:30.m.-6:30 p.m. 在A停车场 &
1月19日星期三上午10:30开始.m.-6:30 p.m. 在A停车场

LAVC提供 校园COVID-19疫苗接种 & 升压诊所 to give students, employees and the public an opportunity to get their vaccine dose(s) and a booster. No appointment needed; all three vaccines options are available. LAVC students and employees who get vaccinated on campus will receive a $150 gift card to the LAVC 书店.

LACCD encour年龄s persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, or have questions about the physical access provided, please use the links above to contact the event organizer as soon as possible, but no later than ten (10) business days prior to the event.